- travel.blog-ph.com - Nice to see a travel blog without too much clutter and not bombarded with annoying advertisements. This blog also features a lot of scenic places here in the Philippines.
- christinaramas.com - This blog was written to encourage mommies to stay at home with their children because I am desperate why children have to be left behind with a nanny. Why not take time with them while also doing mommies' craft.
- katziem.blogspot.com - This is a blog that is dedicated to present social media happenings, issues and mishaps. We all know how powerful social media is in providing information and news to people. But people often neglect the issue that social media often brings to our linguistic capability, social skills and relationships.
- galaero-escapetravels.blogspot.com - another travel blog that I liked. All the photos are big enough and clear enough for my liking.
- theroadtrippers.com - is a community blog managed by a group of travel-loving bloggers. Love the sleek layout of this travel blog!
- travel-blog-of-pa-ul.net - this is a travel blog with nicely written article I wonder why nobody voted for this before.
- iamafrustratedblogger.blogspot.com - I think I've seen a lot of blog with similar blog title but this one is different. I though this was a personal blog ala diary but not it's a travel blog. I liked the layout! Clutter-free.
- sabpozon.blogspot.com - it's a cutesy blog with a nice blog header. The blog has a lot of giveaways too! So if you're the type who love contest. Sugod!
- http://blog.thefluffy.me/ - super nice domain and it is owned by a man! ;) that panda on the header is a cutie.
- pinayunlimited.wordpress.com - want to read a blog in Tagalog?! this is the site you should go to. A breathe of fresh air!
Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs of 2013
It's the 7th year of the "Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs," a writing project that seeks in identifying new and emerging blogs who are making an impact to its readers in 2013.
These are blogs that started anytime from July 1, 2012 to the present. This writing project will not be possible without the support of sponsors such as Optimind SEO Company, Infinity Hub, E-Commerce Entrepreneur Program.
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Wow! Thanks for the appreciation!
See you around buddy!
More post to come!